Universal Kits- for welding

Car transporter universal set, MEDIUM version

Car transporter universal set, MEDIUM version


Weight325 kg
Surface finishingmill finished
The MEDIUM tow truck kit is a set of crucial parts and profiles in trading lengths to build a tow truck body.
The set consists of:
  1. Subframe profile C110 (2 pcs. x 5,2 m)
  2. Frame extension profile150x40x4 (2 pcs. x 1,5m)
  3. Frame extension mounting plates (2 pcs.)
  4. MEDIUM Sideframe profile (2 pcs. x 5,2 m)
  5. Floor panels, with holes (20 pcs. x 2,1m)
  6. Endprofile (1 pc. x 2,1m)
  7. Bumper profile (1 pc. x 2,1m) + Seitenblech (2 pcs.)
  8. Cabin protection- Side plates (2 pcs.) + Profiles (3 pcs.)
  9. Ramps 2,5m (2 pcs.)
  10. C-Profile 60x40x3 (4 pcs. x 2,5m)
To complete the body it is necessary to cut delivered profiles and to weld them together according to your own concept. The set is usually enough for a 5 m long body to build.

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Car transporter universal set, MEDIUM versionCar transporter universal set, MEDIUM versionCar transporter universal set, MEDIUM versionCar transporter universal set, MEDIUM versionCar transporter universal set, MEDIUM version


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